Presentation Guidelines
Oral Presentations
Presenters should prepare a talk up to, but not exceed 25 minutes followed by a brief 5-minute period for questions and answers (Q&A). Oral presenters are requested to have a Power Point presentation to go along with their talk. Presenters are also required to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of their assigned session and share their PPT presentation file with the session moderator or session volunteer via a USB flash drive. This will be crucial to cut down on transition time between presenters. During the oral presentation, presenters will have access to microphone, laser pointer, computer, and projector. Each session moderators will ensure that the schedule is followed.
Poster Presentations
The poster session will be in digital format. This way, you won't need to print and bring your poster. Each presenter should prepare up to 5 slides and will have a maximum of 5 minutes to present the general idea of the research and the main results. Each poster session will be followed by a Q&A and open discussions. The poster presenters are required to arrive 15 minutes earlier in their assigned session and share their PPT presentation file with the session moderator or session volunteer via a USB flash drive. The poster session moderators will be responsible for leading the Q&A session and ensuring the schedule is followed. Poster sessions will take place at the end of each day in the tent set up for poster presentation, the sponsor’s exhibition, coffee breaks, and networking.
Conference Proceedings
Symposium proceedings are published by the USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory. Every attendee will receive a complimentary electronic version.